As we’re right in the heart of hurricane season, it's important to stay prepared—and what better way to do so than with a few fun facts about hurricanes you might not know! At Atlantic Breeze Storm Shutters, we’re committed to helping you protect your home from the elements, but we also love to dive into the fascinating side of these powerful storms.
A single hurricane can release the energy of 10,000 nuclear bombs!
Yes, you read that right! Hurricanes are powered by heat from the ocean and the energy they release is mind-blowing. This is why it’s so important to take every precaution when one heads your way—Mother Nature doesn't hold back!
The "eye" of the storm is deceptively calm!
While the outer bands of a hurricane are fierce, the eye at the center can be eerily peaceful. In fact, you might experience clear skies and light winds if the eye passes over you. Don’t be fooled, though—the strongest winds are right around the eye!
The word "hurricane" comes from the Mayan god of wind!
The word is derived from "Hurakan," a god in Mayan mythology who was said to control the wind, storms, and fire. It makes sense, given the sheer power of these storms!
Hurricane seasons aren't the same around the world!
While hurricane season in the Atlantic runs from June to November, other parts of the world have their own timelines. For example, the Pacific typhoon season typically spans from May to October, and cyclones in the Indian Ocean are most active between April and December.
A hurricane can stretch over 600 miles wide!
Hurricanes are massive—so massive that even if you’re not in the direct path, you could still experience extreme weather conditions from the storm. This is why having storm shutters is key to protecting your home.
At Atlantic Breeze, we know how crucial it is to be prepared during hurricane season. Our storm shutters are designed to withstand the strongest winds, keeping your home and loved ones safe. With hurricanes packing so much energy, don’t leave your home’s protection to chance—call us today to get storm-ready!